Tag Archives: freaky smart

Beware – Malicious Mind Masher – posted January 8, 2012

For once, our brain teaser is actually not that hard. About one in three people we tested it on got it right. See, we gave it to nine people and three got it right. (We know how to reduce our fractions.) Of course two of them said they’d heard it before, but at least they’d remembered it.

So without further ado — whatever that means– here’s the Mind Masher.

Two women are applying for a passport at the passport office. They look just like each other. When the passport officer looks at their applications, she notices that they have the same father and mother, they were born in the same city, and their birth dates are the same. “Oh,” the officer says to them, “you must be twins.”

“No,” the two women say together.

How is this possible?

Click here to see the result of your intense brain work.

CRACK THE CODE #1 – December 11, 2011


The above number-word diagram is actually a secret code with a secret message in it. It’s not that hard to figure out, but very few people get it.

Okay, we’ll make it even easier. The answer actually tells you why so few people get it.

So what does this “secret code” say?

Okay, Mr. or Ms. CSI, you ready with your solution? if so, click here to see whether you cracked the code.

Easiest Brain Teaser Yet – December 1, 2011

This Brain Teaser (aka “IQ Question”) could easily fit on one of those Stupid Tests you sometimes see on the web. In fact it’s so easy, we’re giving you a time limit for solving it. Why? Because if you really study this bad boy, there is no way in the world you could miss it.

So what’s the time limit? Let’s say 20 seconds if you’re 12 or younger and 15 seconds if you’re 13 or older. If you take longer than that, give yourself a big ol’ F.

Okay, so here it is. You have 20 seconds (or 15).

Ready…… Set…… Stop!

Ha, ha, got you.
(Yeah, we know that was an unbelievably bad joke.)

“C’mon,” you saying, “let’s get this party started.”
Okay, we hear you.
This time it’s for real.

Ready…… Set…… Stop!
Ha, ha. We lied.
Ow-w-w-w-w!! We can hear you moaning from here.


Joe’s mother has three children. The oldest is named April. The middle child is named May. What is the name of the youngest child?

You ready with your answer? Click here to see how you did.

Brain Killer for Nov. 28, 2011 — Warning: Very Sneaky Tricky

Here’s Brain Teaser #9 from Freaky Dude Books. (Yeah, we actually were able to count up how many we’ve given you so far.)

Name three days of the week in a row without using Monday, Thursday, or Saturday. And no, you cannot use dates (such as November 28th, 29th, and 30th), though that would be incredibly clever of you to come up with that answer. Well, not if you’d just read it here, but you know what we mean.)

And, oh yeah, you can’t say, “Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.” That’s not three days of the week, bobo. That’s one day of the week three times. Nice try though. You’d make a good tax accountant.

Click here to find out the answer.