Tag Archives: optical illusion

A very cool optical illusion — Prepare to be amazed

Humor Post #89 from the world’s Crankiest Curmudgeon’s Middle School Blog (and probably the awesomest YA blog too) –

Dr. Crankenfuss makes up some incredible stuff, I would have to admit, but he didn’t come up with this one. I found it at this site called http://www.digi-graphics.com/

It’s an optical illusion and who doesn’t like those? Oh, I hear someone out there who’s saying, “I don’t.” Well, go somewhere else then. The rest of you stay.

Here it comes:

Optical illusion checkerboard at Freaky Dude Books
What's the difference in color between Square A and Square B?

So there it is. You see this checkerboard? (That’s a rhetorical question.) Tell me the difference between the color of Square A and Square B. It’s not a trick question.

So you want the answer? (Again, I know you do.)


You going “Pshaw! No way they’re the same,” aren’t you?

Well, here’s the proof. I “clipped” the two squares and put them side by side. The proof is right under this line.
Optical Illustion Proof at Freaky Dude Books
And if you think it’s still a trick, I checked the “color code” for each box. THEY’RE BOTH #838383.

Pretty amazing, huh? So anyway, even though I could never have created such a genius trick, at least I was able to find it. Again, it’s at http://www.digi-graphics.com/

You can thank digi-graphics AND
Your Dude with the ‘Tude,
Dr. Crankenfuss