A very cool optical illusion — Prepare to be amazed

Humor Post #89 from the world’s Crankiest Curmudgeon’s Middle School Blog (and probably the awesomest YA blog too) –

Dr. Crankenfuss makes up some incredible stuff, I would have to admit, but he didn’t come up with this one. I found it at this site called http://www.digi-graphics.com/

It’s an optical illusion and who doesn’t like those? Oh, I hear someone out there who’s saying, “I don’t.” Well, go somewhere else then. The rest of you stay.

Here it comes:

Optical illusion checkerboard at Freaky Dude Books
What's the difference in color between Square A and Square B?

So there it is. You see this checkerboard? (That’s a rhetorical question.) Tell me the difference between the color of Square A and Square B. It’s not a trick question.

So you want the answer? (Again, I know you do.)


You going “Pshaw! No way they’re the same,” aren’t you?

Well, here’s the proof. I “clipped” the two squares and put them side by side. The proof is right under this line.
Optical Illustion Proof at Freaky Dude Books
And if you think it’s still a trick, I checked the “color code” for each box. THEY’RE BOTH #838383.

Pretty amazing, huh? So anyway, even though I could never have created such a genius trick, at least I was able to find it. Again, it’s at http://www.digi-graphics.com/

You can thank digi-graphics AND
Your Dude with the ‘Tude,
Dr. Crankenfuss

2 thoughts on “A very cool optical illusion — Prepare to be amazed”

  1. yeah i know why it lookz different.It\’s bascuee the first picture is lower than the other two.in the flash thing you\’ll notice that the picture thAt is moving will go downwards if you wait for it to play again.

    1. Hey Anonymous, You are way cooler than I am if you figured this out. I just looked at it and was like totally fooled. I even Skitched the boxes to compare them in Fireworks. YOU ARE GOOD!

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