All posts by crankenfuss

My new miracle pencil works! It’s a cure for those pencil-making jerks!!

Post #161 from Dr. Crankenfuss, The World’s Awesomest Raving and Rapping middle school blogger–

Ya know, sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones. And Dr. Crankenfuss can be a real “simpleton,” as you all know. But this time my simple approach is going to change the world. I’VE INVENTED THE WORLD’S NEWEST AND BEST PENCIL. Why does the world need a Dr. Crankenfuss Miracle Pencil? Because the pencils we use now suck, that’s why? Look the picture below and you’ll see how a new pencil looks and how it looks after about two weeks (even less if you make as many mistakes as I do).
A new pencil and a pencil after two weeks

Yeah, you know what I mean. Those greedy pencil makers make their pencils so the eraser runs out way before the lead runs out. You ever try to erase a mistake with an eraser that’s gone? You try so hard to erase that mistake, but the remaining metal eraser holder puts a hole in your paper and then you have to turn in a crummy looking hole-filled assignment, something which does not make you look good when your teacher tries to grade your thoroughly-ruined masterpiece.

But Dr. Crankenfuss has a solution to this world-wide problem that will change everything. Look at my solution below and you’ll know immediately what I’m talking about.
Dr. Crankenfuss's new miracle pencil

Yes, indeedy! The Dr. Crankenfuss Miracle Pencil comes with an eraser just as long as the lead. That way your pencil is good to the last little bit. And to keep the eraser from breaking off, I’ve designed a central eraser core that is made of eraser material, only it’s tough and strong (like me) so the eraser will hold its shape and strength.

Now tell me this isn’t brilliant. Just try, bro!

Anyway, I’ve made this prototype but I don’t own a factory. I’m going to patent this sucker so I can get my just rewards for this invention, but in the meantime I’m looking for a (very smart) manufacturer that wants to make the world a better place (along with making a lot of money). Just send me an email through the Contact Us Button at the menu on top of this post. Or you can leave me a message underneath in the response area.

From Your Dude with the ‘Tude,
With a new invention that’ll lighten your mood,
Dr. Crankenfuss

You want to create some world-class flack? Wear a cockroach on your back.

Post #160 from Dr. Crankenfuss, The World’s Awesomest Raving and Rapping middle school blogger–

Yo, do I have something for you today! Are you the type — like I am — who craves attention, you know like you want people to notice you? Yeah, before I get some girl to like me, first I gotta get her to look at me, right? Well, I found this obviously designed-by-a-genius backpack that will get you all the attention you want. And then some. Of course, it may make a few people not want to be around you, but that’s the chance you take when you get all famous. I mean, everyone who’s famous has a lot of haters out there. Don’t worry about them. Just wear this thing around school or around the mall and watch people’s reaction to you.

I found this picture at dangerousminds.conm. Yeah, it looks dangerous and scary and cool and awesome at the same time.
I found this picture at dangerousminds.conm. Yeah, it looks dangerous and scary and cool and awesome at the same time.

Check out this bad boy at the left. Who’s not going to have their eyes “bug out” when they see this? And it actually works as a backpack. You get to put your books right in the middle of a cockroach’s guts. How awesome is that? Just think how many girls will come up to you and want to walk by your side as you strut down the hall to your goldfish breeding class (or whatever class you might be going to). Many will probably want to pet your “friend” and put their hands inside him. Teachers might even ban you from class and you then you can sue them for infringing on your first amendment rights — that’s freedom of speech for any of you out there behind in your constitutional law — and then you might get on TV because of your strong stand for student rights and from there you might end up with your own TV show and be like Judge Judy, deciding who’s right and wrong in cases where students sue each other or their schools.

And yes, like I said, some people might get grossed out by this beautiful work of art. So what? They’re still paying attention to you. And there will be some — girls included — who think you’re pretty cool for daring to wear such a unique fashion statement. Aren’t those the type of friends you want?

From a guy who’s waiting for his order to come,
From a guy who’s waiting for his place in the sun,
Your Dude with the ‘Tude,
Dr. Crankenfuss


Post #159 from Dr. Crankenfuss, The World’s Awesomest Raving and Rapping blogger–

Well, here’s another way to prove how smart you are. I kind of like these tests ’cause most people I know can’t get them all right and they start arguing with me about the answers. (And anyone who knows me knows I love to argue.) But the answers are RIGHT, I promise you. This time you’ll find out how much (or how little) you know about basic grammar and spelling. Now this ain’t — and yeah, I know “ain’t” ain’t a word – a test that will have stuff like whether you need to use who or whom. That’s really hard for anybody. Naw, these are concepts that anyone over eight or nine should know about. And that’s because your third or fourth grade teacher taught you these things.

See how you do. Get out a sheet of paper and number to 10. (Remember to start with 1, not 0.) Put your answers down and then go to the answer page I link to at the bottom. Be honest though. No fair changing your answers after you see you’ve missed half them. These are just some of the mistakes I see people making all the time in class or in blogs or even in news articles written by adults. the last one really annoys me ‘cause if these grown-up writers can’t get these easy things right, why should I believe them when they talk about the harder stuff?

You ready, Eddie?

Created by Dr. Crankenfuss

First off, dudes, notice how “grammar” is spelled. Did you know that? If you did, you’ll probably do just fine on this test. Now let’s get going.

1. _____________ the smartest, coolest dude in the universe.
a. Your
b. You’r
c. You’re
d. Dr. Crankenfuss is

2. Sam says, “I want some ice cream.”
Then his sister Hortensia says, “I want some _______.”
a. to
b. too
c. two

3. I’m on the swim team. I have ___________ hundreds of laps this summer.
a. swum
b. swimmed
c. swam

4. It is a true fact that there are ___________ men in the United States than women.
a. fewer
b. less
c. fewest

5. There are two brothers who live in the same house. The two __________ bikes were stolen from their garage.
a. boys
b. boy’s
c. boys’

6. Dr. Crankenfuss probably has written more blog posts _______ most of you.
a. than
b. then

7. ______________ went to the mall.
a. Him and I
b. Him and me
c. He and me
d. He and I
e. He and myself

8. I can’t drive the car because ______ battery is dead.
a. its
b. it’s
c. its’

9. It is _______ late to go to the movie theater since it’s past midnight.
a. to
b. too
c. two

10. They gave the award to my sister and _____________.
a. myself
b. I
c. me
d. to Dr. Crankenfuss, of course

Now that you’re done, look over your answers and then click here to find out how you did. Ooh, I can see your head swelling with excitement from here.

And be sure to write me and tell me how easy or hard these were for you. I tried this out on three friends and only one of them got a 100. And sure enough, the other two wanted to argue with me that I was wrong. BUT THEY’RE THE WRONG ONES!

Anyway, spread the word and thanks for your visit.

Your Dude with the ‘Tude,
Dr. Crankenfuss

So you think you’re smart? Try these.

Post #158 from Dr. Crankenfuss, The World’s Awesomest Raving and Rapping blogger–

Today Dr. Crankenfuss is going to give you a test to see how well informed you are. All these questions and answers came from TIME MAGAZINE’s “The Answers Issue” (July 6-13). So if you got a problem with one of them, call TIME, okay? Anyway, try them out and when you’re done, I’ll give you a link to the answers. No cheatin’ now. (Dudes, I know some of you will.)

After you’re done and you know the answers, you can show off in front of your friends when they miss most of them.

1. Which of the following animals kills the most humans a year?
A. snails
B. sharks
C. crocodiles
D. snakes

2. How many U.S. states have the death penalty?
A. 12
B. 20
C. 31
D. 38

3. What percent of American kids go to schools that give them a laptop or tablet?
A. 6%
B. 16%
C. 27%
D. 38%

4. There’s only one state that bans alcohol sales on Sundays? Which one is it?
A. Indiana
B. Kentucky
C. Rhode Island
D. Idaho

5. What percent of the top selling songs (The Billboard Top 100) in the U.S. have to do with romance or sex?
A. 60%
B. 70%
C. 80%
D. 90%

6. Which country, on average, has the fastest Internet?
A. Finland
B. U.S.A.
C. South Korea
D. Japan

7. Which state has the highest rate of snake bites?
A. Florida
B. Louisiana
C. North Carolina
D. Texas

8. Which of these professions has the highest average yearly income?
A. pharmacists
B. financial planners
C. university professors
D. optomotrists

9. What percent of people who went to college say they cheated while in college?
A. 26%
B. 40%
C. 62%
D. 82%

10.How deep in debt is the U.S. government? (In other words, how much does our oountry owe?)
A. $500 million
B. $100 billion
C. $950 billion
D. $18 trillion

So, how’d you do? You don’t have a clue, do you? Well, go to this page for the answers.

And thanks for taking my test (even though, like I said, I just got the items from TIME MAGAZINE).

From the Dude with the ‘Tude,
Dr. Crankenfuss

It’s easier to read Spanish than it is to read Shakespeare! Here’s the proof.

Post #157 from Dr. Crankenfuss, The World’s Awesomest Raving and Rapping blogger–

Okay, our English class in in the middle of reading HAMLET. It’s by William Shakespeare, of course, and our teacher says HAMLET is generally considered to be the greatest work of literature in the English language.

Say wha-a-a-a-!!

Shouldn’t the greatest work of literature at least be understandable? And I’m not talking about for kids like me; I’m talking about for adults. I’ll show you what I’m talking about in a minute. Get your brain ready for some torture. In the meantime, I’ve written this little story for you. It will look kind of foreign, but do your best to figure out its main storyline.

Here it is. Don’t give up. Give it a couple of minutes.

Un elefante es un animal interesante y differente. Es fabuloso, pero LOCO. Un elefante conduce su carro como un maníaco, rápido y furioso. Pero este elefante es estúpido. Sufre un accidente, un accidente terrible. El carro es destruido, pero el elefante está bien. ¡Qué afortunado es este elefante!

Yes, I know it’s in a foreign language. It’s Spanish! But I bet you can still understand most of it even though IT’S NOT IN ENGLISH! If I tell you that the word “pero” means “but,” you might get almost every bit of it.

Here’s the exact translation:
An elephant is an interesting and different animal. It is fabulous, but CRAZY. An elephant is driving his car like a maniac, fast and furious. But this elephant is stupid. He suffers an accident, a terrible accident. The car is destroyed, but the elephant is okay. How fortunate is this elephant!

How’d you do? Pretty well, I bet, and remember you’re reading it in SPANISH.

Now try this passage from HAMLET. (It’s much longer, but hey it’s in ENGLISH – right? — so it shouldn’t be that bad. I’ll give you the setup: Hamlet has been kind of flirting with Ophelia, so here’s his advice to her. See how much you can figure out about what he’s saying. And please don’t give up. Remember, it IS in English!

For nature, crescent, does not grow alone
In thews and bulk, but, as this temple waxes,
The inward service of the mind and soul
Grows wide withal. Perhaps he loves you now,
And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch
The virtue of his will, but you must fear.
His greatness weighed, his will is not his own,
For he himself is subject to his birth.
He may not, as unvalued persons do,
Carve for himself, for on his choice depends
The safety and health of this whole state.
And therefore must his choice be circumscribed
Unto the voice and yielding of that body
Whereof he is the head…

(If this isn’t enough for you, Laertes explains himself further, 20 more lines worth, with quite easily understood language like this:)

…Then if he says he loves you,
It fits your wisdom so far to believe it
As he in his particular act and place
May give his saying deed, which is no further
Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal.
Then weigh what loss your honor may sustain
If with too credent ear you list his songs,
Or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open
To his unmastered importunity.
Fear it, Ophelia. Fear it, my dear sister,
And keep you in the rear of your affection,
Out of the shot and danger of desire.
The chariest maid is prodigal enough
If she unmask her beauty to the moon.
Virtue itself ’scapes not calumnious strokes.
The canker galls the infants of the spring
Too oft before their buttons be disclosed.
And in the morn and liquid dew of youth,
Contagious blastments are most imminent.
Be wary, then. Best safety lies in fear.
Youth to itself rebels, though none else near.

So???? How much of that did you get? I’ll give you the essential summary:

That’s about the sum of it. And yes, our teacher told us that “his will is not his own” means he’s going to be the King of Denmark so whatever decision he makes will affect the whole country, and a bunch of other stuff, but I didn’t get any of her extra explanations from reading it, only from her telling us. And even now, I can’t really explain like 80 or 90% of it.

Honestly, how much did YOU get? Hey, I bet you didn’t even read it all!! Too hard, wasn’t it? Which automatically makes it boring after a minute or two (for most of us anyway).



From Your Dude with the ‘Tude,
To whom disaster does befall
When he hears Shakespeare’s call,
Dr. Crankenfuss