Easiest Brain Teaser Yet – December 1, 2011

This Brain Teaser (aka “IQ Question”) could easily fit on one of those Stupid Tests you sometimes see on the web. In fact it’s so easy, we’re giving you a time limit for solving it. Why? Because if you really study this bad boy, there is no way in the world you could miss it.

So what’s the time limit? Let’s say 20 seconds if you’re 12 or younger and 15 seconds if you’re 13 or older. If you take longer than that, give yourself a big ol’ F.

Okay, so here it is. You have 20 seconds (or 15).

Ready…… Set…… Stop!

Ha, ha, got you.
(Yeah, we know that was an unbelievably bad joke.)

“C’mon,” you saying, “let’s get this party started.”
Okay, we hear you.
This time it’s for real.

Ready…… Set…… Stop!
Ha, ha. We lied.
Ow-w-w-w-w!! We can hear you moaning from here.


Joe’s mother has three children. The oldest is named April. The middle child is named May. What is the name of the youngest child?

You ready with your answer? Click here to see how you did.

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