Tag Archives: Dr. Magic

Dr. Magic, the Rapping Puppet, Slams You with his Song about LOVE THUG

Dr. Magic doin' his magic thang.
Dr. Magic doin’ his magic thang.

Hey, everyone. It’s both Dr. Crankenfuss and Daniel here to show off Dr. Magic — he’s that dude at the left — in his awesome LOVE THUG RAP. First we posted this at Weekend Writing Warriors for their Sunday snippet. But hey, it’s for everyone!

It’s a hip hop musical salute to LOVE THUG, a novel by Daniel Berenson. Lyrics by Daniel, puppetry by HD-Flat Beats.

Just click here and you’ll be transported to Dr. Magic’s lab where he has some wicked cool words for you.

When you’re done, hit the BACK BUTTON if you want to make a comment here.

Thanks so much for checking Dr. Magic out. And while you’re here, take a tour of the rest of the Freaky Dude Books site (especially Dr. Crankenfuss’s blog since there’s nothing else out there like it).

Keep chillin’!
Daniel Berenson, Dr. Crankenfuss, and the other wackos at Freaky Dude Books