Category Archives: Uncategorized

Which Names are Hot and Which Are Not?

Humor Post #28 from Middle School’s Crankiest Curmudgeon’s Blog (and probably the awesomest YA blog too) –

El Cranko has been on the move again. You know, you can’t keep a good Crank down. Or is it up? Aw, who cares? What matters is that I have something good for you. See, I was noticing some of the cool names the people in my classes have and I decided to do some research. I looked up the most popular names from a hundred years ago and the most popular names today. OMG! I’m surprised some people left their houses back then. Seems like they would’ve been laughed out of their schools. But maybe I’m looking at it all wrong. ‘Cause some of those names are still popular. So I put together this quiz for you. You can either write down your answers or you can print out the test and circle them. (Sorry, I don’t know enough code to make an online test.) Be honest now. Write down what you think. Then at the bottom of the test, I’ll put a link that’ll take you to the answers. (Hey, I do know that much code.) So here goes. (You’ll notice I gave the test an appropriate title.)


Important Warning: Some of these have more than one answer
            so you have to get all answers right to get credit.

1. Which of these names was in the top 100 names in 1910?
A. Samantha      B. Brandon     C. Gertrude

2. Which of these names was in the top 100 names in 2010?
A. Viola      B. Ashley      C. Elmer

3. Which of these names was in the top 100 names in both 1910 and 2010?
A. Emma      B. Alexis      C. Kesha

4. Which of these names was in the top 10 boys’ names in 2010?
A. Andrew      B. Ethan      C. Joshua

5. Which of these names was in the top 10 girls’ names in 2010?
A. Abigail      B. Hannah      C. Olivia

Think you did well? Click here to find out.

So there you go. Don’t you feel smarter and cooler than you were a few minutes ago? Sure you do. Thanks to yours truly, middle school’s awesomest blogger (even though the guy can get in sort of a snit sometimes),

Dr. Crankenfuss

If I had a dime for every time I had a great idea…

Humor Post #27 from Middle School’s Crankiest Curmudgeon’s Blog (and probably the awesomest YA blog too) –

So here’s something I pulled off on my mom this morning and I bet you could do the same. It made a lot of sense. (Of course it would, coming from you-know-who.) So my mom says something like, “Crankenfuss, if I had a dime for every time I told you to clean your room, I’d be rich.” So I decided to deliver one of my special-delivery zingers. “And Mom,” I said, “if I had a dime for every time I kept my room dirty, I’d be just as rich or even richer.”

No, she was not pleased with that answer. In fact, she made me stay inside till I had cleaned over half my room. But it was worth it because I was helping to educate her. See, that’s just a silly thing to say. First off, she’s not going to get a dime for having told me anything, much less get a bunch of dimes for having told me a bunch of times. And why be so cheap with your wishes? Why not say, “If I had a million dollars for every time I asked you to clean your room…”? That way, she’s at least wishing for something really worth something. If you’re going to wish for something, shoot for the stars, that’s what I say.

Also it might work better if she said something like, “If I had a heart attack for every time I asked you to clean your room, I’d be dead. And then you’d be sorry.” Now that would have a chance of working on me because I don’t want to be in any way responsible for hurting my mom. But guilt-tripping your son like that would be pretty mean, wouldn’t it? Maybe I could try it on her though. “Mom, if I get killed from one of these grody asparagus spears stabbing me in the heart after I swallowed it, boy, then you’d be sorry. I mean, they don’t call them ‘spears’ for nothing.” Hoo boy, can’t wait to try that one. I’m sure she’ll say, “Oh, Crankenfuss, I never thought of it that way. Here, have some cake and ice cream instead.” Yeah, that’s what will happen, I’m sure.

Anyway, just another awesome piece of analysis and advice from the internet’s best middle school blogger who provides so much to his readers.
Yes, that would be me, Dr. Crankenfuss

Here’s a brain teaser that’s second to none

Sorry for the long hiatus since our last puzzle. (That’s a word we got from Crankenfuss, our resident wordsmith. It means “a break.” Thanks, C.) As some of you know, our site’s host got hacked, we went down, and it took Maureen over a week to get everything — well, most everything — back in order.

But anyway, here’s our latest killer for you.  You can get out your calculator. This is a calculator-active quiz. That’s the good news. The bad news is you have exactly ten seconds to answer the question

You ready? Get those fingers ready to rumble. Here we go:

How many seconds are there in a year?


C’mon, c’mon, your time is running out. Don’t give up. Keep punching in…

Oh, no! Time’s up.

Oh, well. You flopped again.

Click here to see what the answer is.