Tag Archives: hospitals

A Poem about dull looking buildings. Sounds boring, but I promise you, it’ll make you think.

Humor Post #101 from the world’s Crankiest Curmudgeon’s Middle School Blog (and probably the awesomest YA blog too) –

That’s a lie I put right above this line. That’s right, I’m admitting it. It says this is Humor Post #101. But this post doesn’t have any real humor in it. Actually none at all. But I have trouble enough keeping up with one set of posts so I called it #101. Hope you’ll forgive me.

Today I’m in my poem-writing philosophical mode. Kind of like Shakespeare, you know. That’s because I visited with Daniel after he had back surgery. How’s he doing? Well, it’s been three days since the surgery and he can now put on his own shoes, sit on the toilet all by himself (and get up afterwards), and get out of bed in under five minutes. I know what you’re thinking: What’s with Daniel? Is he like two years old or something? Nope, it’s just that’s how hard it is to move around after you have back surgery. But he’ll come out of it okay. And maybe this poem will cheer him up. He usually thinks I’m kinda dumb so I’m going to surprise him with what I learned.

by Dr. Crankenfuss
(copyright 2013–All rights reserved)

There’s a big brick building in my town
Pass by it nearly every day
Never give it a second thought
Or listen to what it could say

But this place possesses magic
Now I see what its plain walls hide
I could learn so much studying it
There’s a whole world that lives inside

It’s a house of promise
A den of fear
You wouldn’t believe
How much happens here

It’s full of life
It deals with death
Some see for the first time
Some breathe their last breath

Emergency is constant
Crisis is the norm
All who check in
Want to go home

Cancer is tearing a family apart
A boy is waiting for a brand new heart
Everyone prays to their deity
But no one knows what their end will be

By now you know it’s our hospital
A place of hope, sometimes miracles
So don’t be fooled by a plain looking face
Inside there might be thrills, dreams, and grace.

From Your Dude with the new ‘Tude (I ain’t judging a book by its cover no more)
Dr. Crankenfuss