Why can’t teams decline to take foul shots and keep the ball instead?

Humor Post #42 from the world’s Crankiest Curmudgeon’s Middle School Blog (and probably the awesomest YA blog too) –

As I’ve said many times here before, I like sports. Watching them at least. I’m not the greatest in them but I’m never the last one taken in a game so I guess that’s better than nothing. But that doesn’t mean that sports are perfect. After all, they were invented by humans so we know there’s always room for improvement, don’t we? And who better to improve some of our favorite pastimes than yours truly, the old Crankmeister.

“What are you talking about, Mr. Crankenfuss?” you ask with all the proper respect owed me. Well, I’ll tell you. I was watching the Orlando Magic play the other night and they were about six or seven points ahead. So the other team — right now I can’t even remember who it was — starts fouling Dwight Howard, Orlando’s star. Why? Because Howard can’t shoot foul shots worth a flip, that’s why. And sure enough, he was clanking them all over the place. So I began thinking, “Ya know, it’s not fair that Dwight has to shoot those foul shots. He doesn’t have to shoot a regular shot unless he wants to. Why should he have to shoot foul shots if he doesn’t want to?” And it means that a team behind Orlando can always foul ol’ Dwight whenever they want to. So why can’t Orlando decline the penalty? That’s right, why can’t Orlando say, “Yeah, we know you fouled our guy, but we’d rather take the ball out of bounds instead.”


Yep, that’s right. For those of you totally out of the loop, in football you don’t have to accept a penalty. You can say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” At least to some of them. So why can’t you do that in all the sports. When your opponent does something against the rules, why can’t you say, “That’s all right, bro’. No problem here. Let’s just keep playing.”

Case in point: You’re ahead by three points in a basketball game and the other team’s got the ball. There’s ten seconds left. You don’t want them to try a three-pointer. If they make it, the game’s tied. So you foul them, they make one or two foul shots, you get the ball back and win the game. That’s not right, people. The other team should have the choice of declining the foul shots so they have a chance to hit that three-pointer. By “breaking the rules” (fouling the other team), your team gets rewarded.

So I say let the teams or players decide if they accept any penalties.

Just my two cents worth. (Or less.)

from your Dude with the ‘Tude,
Dr. Crankenfuss

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